
The Promise / Master of the Crimson Armor
剧情 / 动作 / 奇幻 / 
中国大陆   汉语普通话 / 
张东健 / 张柏芝 / 真田广之 / 谢霆锋 / 刘烨 / 陈红 / 于小伟 / 关晓彤 / 钱波 / 程前 / 李静 / 史磊 / 
陈凯歌 / 
2024-01-27 08:01:03


穷女孩受到命运女神满神(陈红)的特殊眷顾,长大成人后做了集万般宠爱于一身的王妃倾城(张柏芝),但是因此也成了被命运咒语所诅咒的“永远得不到真爱,除非时光倒流,人死复生”之人。在与北宫爵无欢(谢霆峰)、大将军光明(真田广之)等人进行的爱情角力中,倾城一次次被对方当作筹码,咒语灵验。   但是身分卑微的奴隶昆仑奴(张东健)却是真心爱着倾城。他期望用自己接近光速的奔跑来打破加诸在倾城身上的命运锁链,好让她返回人生的起点重获选择的权利。 When the world was young, laid a Kingdom between the Land of Snow and the Barbarian Territory where gods and men lived side by side and promises were lies. When the poor and starving orphaned girl Qingcheng meets the Goddess Manshen, she accepts to become the wealthy beauty of beauties with the curse that she would lose every man she loves, unless three things happen: snow falls in the spring, time moves backwards and the dead comes back to life. Years later, the slave Kunlun helps the Great General Master of the Crimson Armor Guangming to defeat a barbarian army with almost seven times more warriors, and Kunlun becomes his slave. When Guangming is wounded, he asks Kunlun to wear his armor and save the king from the cruel Duke of the North Wuhuan that put the Imperial City under siege with his army. However, Kunlun kills the king to save Princess Qingcheng and promises her to never let her die. Princess Qingcheng falls in love for the man of the crimson armor that she believes is General Guangming. When Snow Wolf saves Kunlun and brings him to the Land of Snow, he recollects his childhood when his mother and sister were killed by the evil Wuhuan. Kunlun decides to return to the Kingdom to face Wuhuan and fight for his love. 酷我影视为您提供2005年由张东健,张柏芝,真田广之,谢霆锋,刘烨,陈红,于小伟,关晓彤,钱波,程前,李静,史磊主演,陈凯歌导演的《无极》/又名《The Promise / Master of the Crimson Armor》剧情,动作,奇幻电影在线观看完整版,《无极》百度云网盘资源以及《无极》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《无极》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

