新抢钱夫妻 Fun with Dick and Jane

侠盗夫妻 / 贼公贼婆做世界 / 落难夫妻闯世界 / 我爱上流 / 侠盗夫妇 / 新贼公贼婆做世界 / 贼坛新人王 / 新抢钱夫妇 / Alternative Career / Fun with Dick & Jane
喜剧 / 犯罪 / 
美国  英语 /  /  / 西班牙语 / 
迪恩·帕里索 / 
2024-01-22 03:01:58
一间大公司的小职员迪克(金•凯瑞 Jim Carrey 饰)终于时来运转,被总裁杰克提拔当上了副总裁。终于出人投地的迪克尽情享受着生活,妻子简(蒂娅•里欧妮 Tea Leoni 饰)也辞去了工作在家当起了全职主妇。岂


一间大公司的小职员迪克(金•凯瑞 Jim Carrey 饰)终于时来运转,被总裁杰克提拔当上了副总裁。终于出人投地的迪克尽情享受着生活,妻子简(蒂娅•里欧妮 Tea Leoni 饰)也辞去了工作在家当起了全职主妇。岂料,迪克只是公司的牺牲品,不久公司就传出财务丑闻,总裁杰克也携巨款潜逃。   由于迪克的所有积蓄之前都买了公司的股票,这下,他刹那间就变得一文不值。生活逼人,迪克和简铤而走险当起了“雌雄大盗”。迪克和简有时会打劫咖啡店,只为了两杯咖啡和两块点心;晚上迪克也会跑去每个邻居的院子偷一小块草皮然后铺到自己的院子,夫妻俩的生活虽然贫困却也洋溢着幸福。这天,迪克和简决定向侵吞了巨款的杰克下手。事情有没有他们设想的简单? The day before Globodyne's stock tanks, a la Enron, and its pension fund evaporates, the corporation's CEO and CFO set up middle manager Dick Harper to be the public face of the disaster. Jobless, and with no savings, pension, or home equity, Dick and his wife Jane sink slowly into poverty. He looks for work (as do all former Globodyne executives); he even tries day labor with the relatives of their Mexican nanny. A foreclosure notice sends Dick and Jane over the edge into a life of blue-collar crime. Then, as things finally look up, the report of an looming indictment pushes Dick and Jane toward a denouement with the real criminals, the white-collar guys. 酷我影视为您提供2005年由金·凯瑞,蒂娅·里欧妮,亚历克·鲍德温,理查德·詹金斯主演,迪恩·帕里索导演的《新抢钱夫妻》/原名《Fun with Dick and Jane》/又名《侠盗夫妻 / 贼公贼婆做世界 / 落难夫妻闯世界 / 我爱上流 / 侠盗夫妇 / 新贼公贼婆做世界 / 贼坛新人王 / 新抢钱夫妇 / Alternative Career / Fun with Dick & Jane》喜剧,犯罪电影在线观看完整版,《新抢钱夫妻》百度云网盘资源以及《新抢钱夫妻》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《新抢钱夫妻》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

