
乱世酒娘 / 花雕
剧情 / 爱情 / 战争 / 
中国大陆  汉语普通话 / 
张嘉益 / 刘涛 / 聂远 / 姬他 / 徐美玲 / 王鸥 / 林栋甫 / 张粟 / 胡龄萌 / 刘波 / 文静 / 韩英群 / 崔翔宇 / 山崎敬一 / 张双利 / 马赫 / 曲戈 / 侯祥 / 陈威旭 / 杨常青 / 黄飞 / 冯瀑 / 焦鹏 / 冉唯群 / 柴鸥 / 松原 / 刘滨 / 孔庆三 / 许可 / 谢紫一 / 管舲帆 / 赵作山 / 刘丕中 / 吕新舜 / 李子轩 / 姜宝昌 / 沈雪炜 / 肖咏佳 / 刘朔 / 卢青海 / 
张汉杰 / 
2024-03-01 08:03:09
花红(刘涛 饰)是一名有着极高天赋的酿酒师。在一场赌局中,她作为筹码被养父输给了田树根,田树根的弟弟田树才(姬他 饰)代替哥哥娶了花红,哪知道在两人的新婚之夜,土匪头子陈三炮(聂远 饰)带领着他的爪牙洗劫了田家,顺道


花红(刘涛 饰)是一名有着极高天赋的酿酒师。在一场赌局中,她作为筹码被养父输给了田树根,田树根的弟弟田树才(姬他 饰)代替哥哥娶了花红,哪知道在两人的新婚之夜,土匪头子陈三炮(聂远 饰)带领着他的爪牙洗劫了田家,顺道抢走了花红做压寨夫人。   花红酿出的酒夺得了国际金奖,田家酒坊就此扬名立万。花红虽然风光无限,却也招致了眼红之人的暗中算计,花红凭借着自己的智慧将眼前的困难一一化解。战争开始了,日军的铁蹄踏破了小镇的宁静,眼看着祖国被侵略占领,义愤填膺的花红协助新四军抵抗日军,在此过程中,她和保安团长沈家门(张嘉译 饰)之间亦产生了真挚的感情。 Bonus is the adoptive father female winemakers deliberately lost roots Tian Tian tree only on behalf of the brother of the wedding, the wedding night, the bandits robbed Chen Tian three guns and took away the bride bonuses. Tian told his master dying to stay forever to Tian Chen allowed three guns revenge. Bonus wine that international gold medal, someone coveted Wine Shop Tian Ming contention with wins in the dark, bonuses to resist the enemy mind, to solve one difficulty. Flame Tree revenge Tian Tian was not always sunny siblings blaze. Japanese troops stationed in the town, anything drastic change. Anti-Japanese war erosion stirring the bonus, she put down the chaos of gangs with the help of the New Fourth Army, but also in the Japanese "C Plan" will be performed on the occasion, the New Fourth Army under the guidance of brothers with a surprise move, with the success of the New Fourth Army sniper in the crisis-ridden Japanese. Experienced a baptism of fire, emotional entanglements bonus finally grow into a true revolutionary. 酷我影视为您提供2014年由张嘉益,刘涛,聂远,姬他,徐美玲,王鸥,林栋甫,张粟,胡龄萌,刘波,文静,韩英群,崔翔宇,山崎敬一,张双利,马赫,曲戈,侯祥,陈威旭,杨常青,黄飞,冯瀑,焦鹏,冉唯群,柴鸥,松原,刘滨,孔庆三,许可,谢紫一,管舲帆,赵作山,刘丕中,吕新舜,李子轩,姜宝昌,沈雪炜,肖咏佳,刘朔,卢青海主演,张汉杰导演的《花红花火》/又名《乱世酒娘 / 花雕》剧情,爱情,战争影视在线观看完整版,《花红花火》百度云网盘资源以及《花红花火》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《花红花火》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

