血浓于水 Sisters & Brothers



胡安和派卓两个人在去往纽约的路上相遇了。派卓去纽约是为了去探访功成名就的父亲,此前两父子从未见过面。孰料早有前科的胡安,在路上偷了派卓的东西,并且前去假冒派卓,希望能得到派卓父亲的大笔家产。@www.youtu9.com Four separate sets of stories about Vancouver based siblings are told. Rory has just flown down to Los Angeles to spend time with Justin, his Hollywood movie star brother. Rory once had minor success in Hollywood as an actor, and encouraged Justin to give Hollywood a try. Once close, their relationship has changed by Justin's stardom, especially as Rory tries to find his place in the world. Jerry, a schizophrenic, is at a crossroads in his life. As such, his sister, Louise, feels that she needs to take care of him, especially as he was her protector when they were growing up. Louise would like to tell Jerry what she really thinks but doesn't know if she is brave enough to tell off a mentally ill person. Their relationship has an added complication in Ringo, Jerry's new ageist lawyer. Nikki doesn't see her older half sister Maggie much, only when Maggie calls whenever she is in trouble and needs help. Nikki, a struggling actress, would like a "Nikki" in her life, which she really needs as she deals with Henry, a so-called producer willing to give her her big break. And seventeen year old Sarah, an only child, has troubles communicating with her mother, Marion, the two who each feels the other takes up every ounce of emotional space in their household. The arrival of thirty-something South Asian Sita into their lives may show both what they have been missing in their relationship. 酷我影视为您提供2011年由柯瑞·蒙特斯,泰勒·莱伯恩,阿曼达·克鲁,达斯汀·米利甘,Beatrice King,本·科顿,Camille Sullivan,莫妮卡·德兰,Kacey Rohl,加布里埃尔·米勒,杰伊·布拉泽奥,阿里·利伯特,Michael Eklund,加布里埃尔·罗斯,保罗·安东尼主演,卡尔·巴塞导演的《血浓于水》/原名《Sisters & Brothers》喜剧电影在线观看完整版,《血浓于水》百度云网盘资源以及《血浓于水》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《血浓于水》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

